
  • <tr id='Dft7jG'><strong id='Dft7jG'></strong><small id='Dft7jG'></small><button id='Dft7jG'></button><li id='Dft7jG'><noscript id='Dft7jG'><big id='Dft7jG'></big><dt id='Dft7jG'></dt></noscript></li></tr><ol id='Dft7jG'><option id='Dft7jG'><table id='Dft7jG'><blockquote id='Dft7jG'><tbody id='Dft7jG'></tbody></blockquote></table></option></ol><u id='Dft7jG'></u><kbd id='Dft7jG'><kbd id='Dft7jG'></kbd></kbd>

    <code id='Dft7jG'><strong id='Dft7jG'></strong></code>

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              <acronym id='Dft7jG'><em id='Dft7jG'></em><td id='Dft7jG'><div id='Dft7jG'></div></td></acronym><address id='Dft7jG'><big id='Dft7jG'><big id='Dft7jG'></big><legend id='Dft7jG'></legend></big></address>

              <i id='Dft7jG'><div id='Dft7jG'><ins id='Dft7jG'></ins></div></i>
              <i id='Dft7jG'></i>
            1. <dl id='Dft7jG'></dl>
              1. <blockquote id='Dft7jG'><q id='Dft7jG'><noscript id='Dft7jG'></noscript><dt id='Dft7jG'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='Dft7jG'><i id='Dft7jG'></i>

                1 Counterfeit products sold through improper channels.

                2 The validity period of the three packs has expired.

                3 Damage caused by improper use, maintenance, and maintenance.

                4 The damage was caused by unauthorized disassembly by the repairer of our company.

                5 Damage caused by force majeure.

                If you buy from a designated agent or online distributor, you can return it for replacement directly. It is required to write in white paper:

                Purchase the business name.

                The product is malfunctioning.

                User returns detailed address, consignee, contact Phone etc.

                Freight payment: send it back to the user to pay, return Paid by the company

                YUNGIS small eDonkey return address

                After-sales service center on the 15th floor, Unit 2, Block 6, Jinsha Daduhui, No. 82, Huanzhou 2nd Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province.

                Consignee: Mr. Li Tel: 020-22015329

                Note: The return product needs to be filled in according to the above steps.

                020-22015329 address:15th Floor, Unit 2, Block 6, Jinsha Daduhui, No. 82 Huanzhou 2nd Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhoumailbox:2920650014@qq.com