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                Almighty one-stop mobile charging station

                Yunji XiaoeDonkey is a technological innovation brand of Yunji Energy (Guangzhou) Information Technology Co., Ltd. It is a modern mobile energy storage product supplier integrating R&D, design, production, sales and service. YUNGIS small eDonkey adheres to the concept of "change life with quality", and takes technology, quality and fashion as the core pursuit of product research and development. Each product is an innovative technology product integrating technology, quality and fashion. YUNGIS small electric donkey believes that high-quality, high-value energy storage products with technological content are the best companions indispensable in study, life or work.

                We do not produce electricity, we are just porters of nature's energy storage power supply!

                A collection of small eDonkeys, a technological innovation brand integrating technology, quality and fashion.

                020-22015329 address:15th Floor, Unit 2, Block 6, Jinsha Daduhui, No. 82 Huanzhou 2nd Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhoumailbox:2920650014@qq.com